From our sites main page, choose the following package that fits your need:
- zero_imager.zip - contains kernel startup file, kernel image and programming script.
- Rootfs-xxxx.tar.gz - is the root file system. It is packaged according to different requirements and has multiple root file systems.
- rootfs-brmin.tar.gz - is the most streamlined root file system with only 1.5M
- rootfs-brpy.tar.gz - Based on brmin, the python environment
- rootfs-minmin.tar.gz - debian (including apt, network)
- rootfs-mindb.tar.gz - debian (including apt, network, gcc, python...)
- rootfs-minX.tar.gz - debian( Include desktop system)
Unzip zero_imager.zip into a directory and put the required root file system into this directory.
(The following uses rootfs-minX.tar.gz as an example.)
Open the terminal and execute the following commands:
- unzip zero_imager.zip
- cp rootfs-minX.tar.gz zero_imager/
- cd zero_imager/
Write uboot to the 8k offset of the sd card:
- sudo dd if=u-boot-sunxi-with-spl_480800.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 seek=8
Write the kernel file, the startup parameter file, and dtb to the first partition of the tf card:
- sudo mount /dev/sdb1 mnt/
- sudo cp zImage mnt/
- sudo cp sun8i-v3s-licheepi-zero*.dtb mnt/
- sudo cp boot.scr mnt/
- sync
- sudo umount /dev/sdb1
- Write the root file system contents to the second partition of the tf card:
- sudo mount /dev/sdb2 mnt/
- sudo rm -rf mnt/*
- sudo tar xzvf rootfs-minX.tar.gz -C mnt/
- sudo cp -r overlay_rootfs-base/* mnt/
- sudo cp -r overlay_rootfs-minX/* mnt/
- sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=mnt/swap bs=1M count=128
- sudo mkswap mnt/swap
- sudo echo "/swap swap swap defaults 0 0" >> mnt/etc/fstab
- sync
- sudo umount /dev/sdb2