¡¾Catalog¡¿ 1¡¢file Introductions 2¡¢write images 3¡¢boot lichee zero 4¡¢expand rootfs & add swap 5¡¢know issues 6¡¢ToDo 7¡¢download address ¡¾File Introductions¡¿ pack_zero_img.sh -->pack script minX_dd.tar.bz2 -->min system include Xorg mindb_dd.tar.gz -->min Debian£¬include gcc,python, etc. brpy_dd.tar.bz2 -->buildroot image£¬include python etc.(no gcc) brmin_dd.tar.bz2 -->min buildroot minmin_dd.tar.bz2 -->min Debian (almost nothing but apt) lichee_zero_test_Debian_LXDE.tar.bz2 -->Debian with LXDE All made based on Zepan's rootfs, and they are Alpha version. ¡¾write images¡¿ MAKE SURE THE TF CARD DON'T CONTAIN IMPORTANT FILES!!! unzip the downloaded images, use tar under linux, use 7zip£¨http://www.7-zip.org/download.html£©under windows. You can verify MD5 after unzip. Use dd to write tf card under linux. If you are use windows, please prepare TF card format£¨https://www.sdcard.org/downloads/formatter_4/eula_windows/£© and Win32 Diskimager£¨http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/Archive/£©¡£ You can refer to http://www.orangepi.org/Docs/SDcardinstallation.html ¡¾boot lichee zero¡¿ Prepare an usb-to-uart to watch boot information and log in. The system uart is UART0. Powered by MicroUSB or 5V pins. DO NOT REVERSE CONNECT 5V/GND PINS !!! ¡¾expand rootfs & add swap¡¿ After boot, terminal will reminder you input user name & password. Please try root/toortoor£¬or root/licheepi After log in, you can expand rootfs, do partion, and then use resize2fs. You can refer to raspberrypi's script. If you want test desktop image, you MUST OPEN SWAP!!! Tutorial for add swap: http://bbs.ilichee.cc/t/tutorial-setup-swap-file-for-zero/56/1 ¡¾know issues¡¿ lichee_zero_test_Debian_LXDE can't login with normal user. lichee_zero_test_Debian_LXDE's locale have some issues. Image's wifi ko is based on older kernel version, you need cover it by new ko. (http://pan.baidu.com/s/1cldXfC) ¡¾ToDo¡¿ Add new rtl8723bs ko to dd image. Add wifi auto up script and so on. ¡¾download address¡¿ http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kVbsmQN MoHenHM@163.com QQ group£¬@Anonym